10 Telework Tools to Maximize Productivity

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Teleworking has become absolutely necessary. Discover here the 10 useful tools to make the most of teleworking and get the most out of it to stay productive.

google docs office
Telework tools : Google Docs and Office 365

Telecommuting has been an increasingly common luxury over the past few years, and has become a must-have these days. Many companies restrict the movement of employees and contractors to save their own, and telecommuting offers them the opportunity to maintain a productive workflow. While teleworking is a flexible way of working, some tools are needed to take full advantage of its potential.

Here are 10 tools to leverage and maximize telework productivity:

Teleworking tools - Skype
Teleworking tools – Skype
  1. Google Drive: Google Drive is a free cloud storage tool that helps users synchronize and share files. It is available on almost all devices and enables secure collaboration without worrying about data loss. Others similar are:
  2. Trello: Trello is an online project management tool that creates a virtual job board. Team members can create notes on boards and tag them with text, hashtags, and even suggestions and alert others to task execution.
  3. Slack: It is an online messaging application for teams. It provides a space for team members to share files, send quick messages to each other and organize meetings. This helps improve collaboration and productivity of team members based in different locations.
  4. Asana: Asana is a productivity tool for teams. This tool facilitates coordination among colleagues to organize tasks, actions and collaboration routes. Asana helps to share the progress of projects, as well as to track tasks and assignments.
  5. Zoom: Zoom is a videoconferencing tool for teams and individual users. This tool allows team members to interact efficiently and work in real time.
  6. Skype: Skype is a video call service that offers free voice chat and video calls between users. It is a popular tool for arranging remote meetings between teams.
  7. Dropbox: Dropbox is a cloud storage service ideal for remote workers. This tool automatically synchronizes and stores files, so remote workers can access their files from any device.
  8. Citrix: This tool provides the ability to access applications, servers and corporate information from anywhere. Remote workers can also access their corporate desktop and use all their favorite applications, saving time and money.
  9. Microsoft Teams: Microsoft Teams is a team collaboration tool. It helps users share documents, make calls, create tasks, start meetings and work in groups.
  10. LastPass: LastPass is a password management tool that remote workers can use to easily store and manage passwords. This allows them to securely access all corporate applications from anywhere.
  11. Whatsapp : There is not much to say about WhatsApp, as we all know this popular messaging application that is the de facto standard in mobile messaging. It is very easy to use and is perfect for quick and instant communication. Its main advantage is that it is the most widely used messaging application. In addition, it is important to note that WhatsApp can also be used on a computer through this link: https://web.whatsapp.com/.
  12. Hangouts: It is an application that stands out for its great simplicity of use, since it focuses only on calls, video calls and chat. The quality of your calls is very high and best of all, you don’t have to install anything on your computer to use it. Simply log on to the following address: https://hangouts.google.com/. Once there, you only have to activate the “video call” option and enter the e-mail addresses of the people you wish to invite. It’s as simple as that. Like Skype, Hangouts also allows screen sharing and video conferencing of up to 10 people for free.
  13. YouTrack It is an application similar to Trello, but much more complete (although also more complex). Allows to make time reports of employees, projects, among others. It has a free version that can be installed locally with a limit of users. Although it is mainly oriented to software development, it can be used perfectly well for other types of business.
  14. Google Calendar Although it is not an application of the same type as the previous ones, it is very useful for organizing time management and appointments in groups of people. This tool allows us to create calendars and share them with other users to keep us synchronized and avoid confusion in schedules.
  15. Google Docs / Office 365 Google and Microsoft suites are the most widely used office solutions. Both have tools for creating text documents, spreadsheets and presentations, as well as other more advanced options.
  16. Collaborate Online / Onlyoffice These two options have the particularity that they can be installed on your own server within your company. However, it is important to note that more advanced technical knowledge is required to perform this installation.

Using some of these tools will help employees and employers alike to get the most out of their jobs. These tools enable remote workers to collaborate effectively, achieve the same level of productivity, and even improve the performance of their teams. This makes life easier for workers, allowing them to work from home without worries.

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